The US Senator Hon. Barbara Boxer

United States Senate

112 Hart Senate Office Building

Washington DC 20510

(copy –  by Email and to FBI)

Alexander Gofen

xxx Fell St.

San Francisco, CA 94102

Home tel. : (xxx)-xxx-xxxx



Re:       Dereliction of duty


Hon. Mrs. Boxer,


Since fall 2008 I tried to reach you with my concerns that a presidential contender Obama/Soetoro did not qualify as the US Natural Born Citizen - the concept that has always meant (up to the Senate Res. 511, 2008, on McCain!):


"Born to both American citizens in America's jurisdiction and never after changing the nationality". 


I have not received any reply yet.


You could not be unaware that Obama/Soetoro allegedly was born to a knowingly non-American father – which alone is incompatible with being a US Natural Born Citizen!


Moreover, the fact of upbringing of Obama/Soetoro in Indonesia and his adoption by the Indonesian step father made his Indonesian citizenship unavoidable, which abrogates Obama's Natural Born Citizen statute even if it were true at his birth.


Later it became public knowledge (thanks to Dr. Orly Taitz' investigation team) that Obama/Soetoro has carried multiple Social Security Numbers, and his current one belongs to the state of Connecticut where he has never resided (case #1:11-cv-00402, Plaintiff vs. Michael Astrue, Commissioner of the Social Security Administration, US District Court of the DC).     


And when Obama/Soetoro finally produced an electronic copy of his purported Full Certificate of Live Birth in May 2011, it appeared to be a coarse forgery both logically and technically, as reported and filed to the FBI of the US  and Hawaii by a certified expert Mr. Vogt:


If nothing else, this alone dishonors this Nation and the position of American Presidency beyond any limits. It presents a clear danger to our national security. And alas, it implicates you personally in dereliction of duty and overlooking of a felony – the scam of the millennium.  


I demand that you initiate the Congressional investigation and prosecution of Obama/Soetoro, and that meanwhile he be immediately stripped of his presidential functions for which he had been never qualified anyway.


Alexander Gofen & my family
June, 2011