The concise points of the contemporary Russian religious cult
about a special spiritual destiny of Russia
(click at the image)
A transcript of a sermon
(made in Russian)
Today we must support – both with words, and deeds, and especially with prayers – the Russians, which bring the liberation to the world.
Avoiding a long preaching, let us say that the special operation in Ukraine was unavoidable. It was the only remedy to force Europe and the West towards partnership with us.
Diplomacy is good only as long as the diplomat keeps a revolver on his table. This is the only way for Russia to get out of the state of enslavement, into which we have been brought, in a sense, during 30 years – after unlawful collapse of our nation [USSR].
All these sanctions are merely a "belching", proving the weakness of the West in its struggle against Russia acquiring its sovereignty.
One must not be a prophet to predict that in half a year or in a year Russia will provide all the conditions for a great economical, and especially spiritual and moral growth – because now all the shackles, into which we were put, are being destroyed; All those shackles into which we were put because of Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev and our own passivity in the 1990s. Everyone understands it if one knows what to read, and analyzes everything that happens around.
Allow me to congratulate everybody with the Communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, and also with that our capital are being liberated from the digital tyranny [COVID QR codes].
Dear retirees, I wish you happiness. Please commute now using your free passes without any limitations. Let us prepare ourselves for the beginning of the Great Fasting, and for very special Easter of the 2022, when entire Great, and Small1, and White2 Rus', as a unified immortal regiment, will march from Vladivostok to Kaliningrad.
Let's hope that soon also Moldova will join us, Kazakhstan, and so unfortunate Ukraine. Next it is expected to be Georgia, which refused to participate in the sanctions [against Russia].
As to what is going to happen to the Baltic nations – it's an easy guess for you. Today so far they are a kind of transshipment base of weapon for exterminating Slavic people.
Please accept my blessing – and let's go home to a cell prayer for a victory over the dark fascist horde.
Glory to our God!
1 Ukraine
2 Belarus
(Recorded by Andromeda channel)