Michael Weller
Island for Whites", Book IX

Chapter 67


The Jews as an idea


Jews exist because of anti-Semitism – and they will exist as long as the anti-Semitism will (i.e. forever).

Anti-Semitism creates a factor akin to natural selection: in order to survive, one must constantly resist this social pressure. And it provides the Jew with difficulties: the threat of terror, the constant expectation of any sudden obstacles in connection with ethnicity, a possibility of an insult and physical impact any moment.

The Jew spends his whole life in an atmosphere of psychological and social pressure that must be overcome. His subconscious perceives inequality, injustice, in which he exists, as the natural conditions of the habitat. That is:

You always have to be on your guard. You should always be ready to solve unexpected problems. You must always be ready to do more than others in order to stand on a par with them. You always need to find non-standard ways and solutions – because on standard ways you will be pushed aside and overshadowed because of your ethnicity.

Action causes the reaction. A person – the imposition of the phenotype on the genotype – somewhat evolves in two aspects, in two directions:

First, those of them survive gaining an advantage in procreation, creating and providing for large families, who are more hardy, tenacious, flexible, adaptable, energetic – as well as smart, cunning, dodgy (and, alas, selfish and vile).

Secondly, constant pressure contributes to the development of the energy for overcoming, the development of the power of the central nervous system, which creates as many information models and forecasts as possible. Consequently, a Jew grows up and becomes more intelligent, understanding, prudent, stubborn, cunning, hardworking than an person would be formed from a child without exposure to a constant factor of anti-Semitism.

For a Jew anti-Semitism means: justice is not for you. Life is such that you have to do as much (no matter how much) as it takes to get what you need. Circumstances do not matter whether you can or cannot overcome them.

The cause of anti-Semitism is deep and eternal – a need of a group to have an internal or external enemy nearby, endowing it with all the negative features. This is an aspect of self-structuring of a society. The presence of an enemy is necessary not only for rallying together, but in general for the self-identification of a society: due to delimiting itself from others, it identifies itself. And what makes you think as though it is possible to completely eliminate cruelty from life yet at the same time not to die out from weakness and own amorphousness?..

There is always an outcast in the children's group. Fat, or red, or weak, or rich, or poor, or from somewhere else. They tease and beat him, take away his toy or his piece, do not accept him into games, or accept as the last, or only for negative roles. Thus, the group affirms its internal norm, affirms the value of this norm (all other members of the group are the same in some respects). And the group unites in opposition to the alien, different, foreign, deprived of rights. It is a natural, instinctive social need.

An adult group can cheer for football against another group of fans for another team. The largest of groups – the entire people – makes up a self-aggrandizing history for themselves, opposing themselves to real (or fictional!) enemies.

The enemy is a social and psychological archetype!!!

Individual consciousness usually does not have any need in the enemy – because the personality corresponds to a unitary and single biological being, an organism. An individual person is automatically opposed and separated from any other person. Even beloved members of the same family show not only the unity of the socio-genetic nest, but also a single model of contradictions: they are all separate people, which is why they are opposed to each other. An individual does not need an enemy, an alien other person, in order to realize his unity (or loneliness) as a whole person. Here the nature as the biology has already taken care of everything.

On the contrary, the society consists of monads, autonomous as individuals. And yet society immanently seeks to structure itself out of an amorphous human mass. That is: society needs common views for all, common likes and dislikes, common assessments, common objects (informational or material) of attraction and repulsion. Only then does the mass turn into an organized system that has qualities that are not equal to the arithmetic sum of the qualities of the units of the crowd.

Society at the level of the people needs unity: language, territory, power, religion, mentality, culture, history. And society also needs a unity at the level "we vs.they". Ours vs. others. Ours vs. not ours. Our kind vs. not our kind.

The external enemy is always present in an obvious or latent state. Peoples (countries, states) are "friends" with each other until the first clash of state and/or national interests. A neutral or friendly neighbor turns into an enemy instantly, in a matter of days after a prearranged signal. Church, newspapers, television, and the media quickly pit the people against any external neighbor. Many conflicts and wars of the past and present give a plenty of such examples.

With an internal enemy it is more difficult.

First, the external enemy is distant, abstract and sometimes absent in the hostility zone at all. Yet to not love, to disgust someone is necessary for a society or a  group, because such is their organization.

The own kind vs. an alien is a dialectical pair. One does not exist without the other. The need for an enemy lives in a social person, enters into the structure of his consciousness and subconsciousness.

Therefore, any people have jokes about a small ethnicity in their country which is a part of it or immigrants; jokes about the Chukchi, Poles, Swedes. Everyone has their own object of humor, their own minority people or ethnic group. This group is different either in reality or imaginably, like some kind of invented template. A small group within a large one is different: it doesn't matter how or in what. This distinction may be partly or completely invented. 

And the Jews have really been different for centuries. Religion, ritual clothing, their holidays and traditions, language or accent, appearance. And also – infringement of rights, living in their own ghettos (quarters), a ban for Jews on certain professions – thus the concentration of Jews on a short list of allowed professions, as a result.

The mere fact that they are different was enough for designation of Jews for the role of an internal enemy: their deviation from the norm alone made them foreigners. The ban on careers and land ownership, as well as on guild professions, attracted a significant percentage of smart, energetic people into usury and trade, which only increased separation and hostility to them. And on the top it, some among them are rich, or very rich. They don't sow, they don't plow (which is forbidden), they don't have ranks (which is forbidden), they pray to another god – and again, they have a hell of money. At that, the filth and the opposite of such, the poorest ones, are stinking garlic sluts, disgusting, even worse than the rich.

According to a simple law of psychology, the negative traits in the enemy are added together: garlicky unkempt rich and usurers. They have no power, the law hardly protects them – that means they are cunning, vile and very greedy, if with such deficiencies and restrictions they managed to get rich without hunching over in hard physical labor.

And if a Jew still dares to be smart, honest and useful for the country, then this bastard merely disguises himself. If he is smarter and more useful than me, it's really insulting and humiliating for my non-Jewish dignity!

And so all the prominent personalities who are considered harmful to the country by patriots from the midst of the people are declared Jews! For a Jew is simply a collective name for internal enemies who drink the juices of the country and the blood of the people.

That is:

Jews are not necessary for anti-Semitism.

Jews are a brand. A sign for internal enemies, plunderers, usurpers, thieves and embezzlers, the rich and everyone who expresses an opinion that is harmful to the people (according to patriots from the midst of the people).

And also – all those who rose too high, whether in television or culture, science or politics – unless those people openly and consistently preach exclusively patriotism, folk in form and Orthodox in content. (However, even those are disguised enemies and provocateurs.)

Since in a number of national-patriotic movements they may name a Jew anyone and any number of whomever they wish, Jews may pay no attention. There may remain not one Jew in the country – yet the informational and ideological framework will remain! And the archetype of the enemy requires that the idea be filled with concrete content.

Christianity and Islam will take care about the high survival rate of the Jews for a long time more: via the negative pressure helping to increased their energy, intelligence, and entrepreneurship. If you want to live, you learn to achieve your goals if not by running, then by skating. (Here is the result of natural selection of Jews caused by anti-Semitism: the average IQ of Ashkenazi Jews, according to the massive statistical processing, systematized by the Anglo-Saxons F. Rushton and R. Lynn, and by the Scot C. Murray and others, is 112-114, with an average European 100. Were the Jews beaten too much? However, those who survived have become smarter than everybody else. The Nature. The smart ones rise to the top. Such a misfortune. And it sounds terribly politically incorrect...)

The Guy Above took care of his chosen people, though not in the way the rabbis think, and not in the way the anti-Semites think, but in his own way: let him live in conditions that do not allow him to relax and fall into complacency. Let hard training keep him in shape. Kill nine, promote the tenth! The Jews are the descendants of every tenth: the one who survived and made his way. Others are long gone.

… Anti-Semitism could not exist if there were no immanent need for it.

.š .š .š .š .š .š .š .š .š .š .š .š .š .š .š .š .

A record on the backside.


The Jews survived as an idea. And an idea is incomparably more durable and indestructible than a material object.

During two thousand years of Diaspora and persecution over vast areas among numerous and powerful peoples, the small, fragmented, dependent and weak Jewish people survived not only due to their mind, energy and natural selection as a result of persecution. And not only due to the compact ghettos and impossibility to assimilate to the host people in a hostile environment. And not only due to an intolerant and rigidly demanding religion.

But also thanks to the repeated oath: "May my right hand wither if I forget you, Jerusalem."

The Jews had no statehood; there was no politics, economy, aggressive and defensive wars, dynastic struggle, unifications and disintegrations, international alliances and social prospects, nobility and commoners; there were no social lifts, careers, military service; there were no permits for most occupations and crafts, nor for land ownership.

The peoplehood has turned into a sect, rejected and persecuted for the fact of belonging to this peoplehood. Therefore, in the absence of MATERIALIZATION of everything that makes up the life of a people as a political subject, the IDEA of the people, who have nothing in life but this idea, gained even more strength. That was the idea of being God chosen and having Highest Destiny, the great past; the idea of ​​fidelity to own God, the idea of ​​returning to own Fatherland, the idea of ​​observing all own traditions – because apart from the traditions, apart from one's culture exclusively as a tradition, there was nothing.

Peoplehood has become an idea. One must adhere to this idea, not retreat, and preserve this idea even at the cost of life. It is better to die than to cease being a Jew.

The Jews could not fight for their land, their country, and their independence – because they were deprived of all this from birth. They could only be the bearers of the idea of ​​the people. Freed by historical fate from other burdens, they devoted all their vital energy to preserving and strengthening the idea.

They were not asked about the desired social system, about the politics and economy of the state, about wars and truces with neighbors, about laws and taxes. They were obliged to adapt to what the ruling peoples put before them as a fact.

As a result, Jewish culture reduced to the study of the Holy Books – the Torah and the Talmud. Actually, intellectual activity consisted in memorizing, interpreting and comprehending passages from the Book. Respected and wise rabbis knew them by heart and argued about interpretations to the point of fainting, discussing the same phrases for the hundred thousandth time.

For two thousand years, living mostly in poverty, earning a living in small crafts, trade and usury, they invested all their intellectual energy, all the passion of the oppressed in being Jews: living in thought in the bosom of Jewish tradition and Jewish self-consciousness.

They invented the most ridiculous prohibitions and customs, and followed them with the fanaticism of selfless fighters. Their Jewishness was demarcated in a mass of regulations that required strict observance. Food and clothing, marriage and conjugal life, the rituals of joyful and mournful events: with passing of centuries, everything was regulated in more and more details, often enough senseless from the point of view of common sense.

The ban on kindling fires on Shabbat (to spare women from cooking on the day of rest consecrated to God) has turned into a ban on using a car or an elevator, although you can walk on foot until you are blue in the face…………………

.......though the stupidity of prohibitions and orders took place, they however kept reminding of being the Jews and united them. That's how they survived.