
Michael Weller
Island for Whites", Book IX, Chapter 70.


Cruise liner


The protracted stay of the cruise liner "Freedom of the Seas" in the port of Brest lasted for almost a month. Five thousand illegal migrants who arrived from the United States requested political asylum in France. The snow-white 340-meter body of the liner, towering to the height of a twenty-story building, has become the main attraction of Brest this month.

As our viewers remember, negotiations for allowing migrants to go ashore and granting them some kind of status, even if only temporarily, moved from the municipal level to the level of the national government. The mayor of Brest, François Kuyendre, a member of the Socialist Party, after a vote in the municipality, ruled that it was impossible to receive such a large group of migrants at once. In the context of the ongoing crisis, the city has neither the housing stock nor the corresponding budget to accommodate the arrivals.

The Council of the Department of Finistère, headed by President Nathalie Sarrabesol (Socialist Party), supported the mayor's decision. 

In the port, as well as in the city center, rallies and demonstrations were repeatedly held against the reception of visitors. We have to admit that these events served to incite ethnic hatred and cases of Islamophobia, as well as individual incidents of an anti-Semitic nature.

The Association of the Islamic Communities of France condemned the instigators of these unrests, which voluntarily or involuntarily were migrants.

The Jewish community of France expressed its concern about the clashes, condemning extremist actions and statements by both individual Jews and some Muslims.

The Brest Municipal Police Department and the District Gendarmerie Department report that at the moment 127 policemen are slightly wounded and injured, 59 are being treated with moderate injuries, 14 are in intensive care, and 4 people have died due to injuries and traumas. The number of demonstrators injured in the clashes is not specified.

Crowded demonstrations of protest against the admission of migrants from the United States were held in Marseille, Lyon, Toulouse, and Paris. President Macron condemned the anti-Semitic agitation of individual preachers of Islam, two mosques are temporarily closed, and the issue of bringing the perpetrators to justice is being considered. The President also expressed regret over the decision of the American Jewish Committee, which chartered the Freedom of the Seas liner and sent it to Brest without any agreement with the French government, contrary to the accepted diplomatic protocol.

The Senate Commission on Social Issues categorically rejects accusations against the social services of the Department and the Republic, allegedly refusing migrants because of their Jewish origin.

Unconfirmed reports continue to come in of attacks on synagogues and beatings of Jews in the streets. The General Directorate of the National Police warns of responsibility for the dissemination of false information, leading to an increase in tension in society.

The French Republic, true to its glorious traditions of a free society, multiculturalism, internationalism and open borders, guided by the great principles of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity, has taken into its fold many millions of suffering people of all religions and races from different countries of the world. But this does not mean that anyone can enjoy our hospitality without our consent, to the detriment of the legitimate interests of our own citizens. May other countries of the world fulfill their duty as we, the French, did it!

With sadness, but also with satisfaction, we have to report that all illegal attempts by passengers of the "Freedom of the Seas" to enter the territory of France by swimming, along mooring ropes, under the guise of crew members, etc., were stopped by the port security service.

Today at 16.20 the liner "Freedom of the Seas" left the port of Brest and headed for the open sea.