
Michael Weller
Island for the Whites", Book VII, Chapter 53.

Condemnation by a Prophet.  



"The Devil has confused your mind and put a curse on your whole family and your country! Where is the glory of your land? You regard the vile as meritorious, and the virtuous as vile! Loyalty to the Lord and His covenants are blasphemed and condemned for exile and prison by you, yet you praise abomination and defilement of goodness and truth, awarding them with gold. You affirm the triumph of Falsehood and Evil rejecting the Good and Truth, and there will be no forgiveness for you: neither in valleys nor in mountains; and the punishment of the Lord will fall upon you, and the sword in His hand will be terrible. 

You have put those who are deceitful ahead of the upright, and the sinners ahead of the righteous. The lips of your judges vomit, and their judgment is unrighteous multiplying evil. The thief and the harlot triumph in your temple, and their sins turn away the sight of the Lord from your people, who have forgotten the Faith and surrendered to the Devil. 

The end of time has come: the sodomites sneer at noble men, and the harlots teach debauchery to innocent virgins. And if someone stands on the path of Vice, and raises his voice in defense of Honor and Truth, you expose him to shame and deprive him of his bread and his arable land. 

Useless drones and insatiable parasites have clung to your livestock and your barns, yet there is no punishment for them from you, and you sing praise to them instead. The workers, who earn their daily bread in the sweat of their faces, feed and clothe them for you are fulfilling the Law of the Devil, which has darkened you: let the breadwinner obey the eater; let the wealth earner be afraid of the ruling thief; let the owner of the house bow before the stray robber; let the weak rule over the strong; let the fool teach the wise; let the slave sit on a high place pushing around a free man.

You honor the unworthy and sinful, and give yourself into the hands of the evil and treacherous. And there are no brave ones among you who would raise a sword and strike the Devil and his henchmen, who would lay down their lives for the salvation of their people, their little children and defenseless women. 

The servants of the Golden Calf, who give money at interest and are fat from the sweat of the poor, rule over you, for you yourself gave them power, and there is no power over them and there is no Law over them. And you rejected the Lord, forgot your freedom, forgot the sacrifices of your fathers, forgot their strength and their wisdom and their righteousness; so you became reptile slaves, who put fetters on themselves not daring to remove them, fearing Evil.
Thieves and lechers, inspired by the Devil, rejected the Law enacting a new one, and there is no courage in the hearts of men to crucify the servants of the Devil along the road to the

Silently you heed their blasphemous speeches and humbly obey their vile orders becoming like dumb cattle and unclean creatures on their way to shameful death and inglorious oblivion. 

Your women call to not give birth to children and to kill unborn babies in the womb of their mothers, and no one beats them with stones, nor does expel them from houses and cities. Instead, they gather in crowds, go out into the squares and loudly demand that it be so, and everyone listens them, and many rulers say: they are right, so be it. 

Your men live with men as husband and wife, and your devilish Law encourage them to do so not allowing to punish. And they corrupt your children, saying: See how we do, and do likewise, for it is good. And no one punishes them, the judge defends them, the guard guards them, and it is not allowed for the righteous to oppose them. 

Your women live with women, like a wife with her husband, and they are praised and encouraged in their abomination too so that people must turn their eyes away from their lewdness, and there is no shame and purity in them. 

At that, you do not accustom your children to hard work, they have neither respect for elders nor any reverence for their ancestors and their customs, and they do not know the price of their bread, of their clothes, and of their horses, but only demand everything knowing neither the measure nor thanks. They are neither reeds swayed by the wind, nor young growth, lush and healthy, but empty thistles and noisy starlings, imagining themselves men of strength and wisdom, because no one imposes punishment on them according to their words and deeds, nor does anyone show them their place behind their elders, nor does anyone teach them that a person is honored only according to merit, and only one who has shown wisdom in life can teach. And the young man, who is fed by his father, has no right to vote at the gathering, but he has only the duty to do the will of his father. 

But worst of all are the impudent strangers whom you let into your land, feeding them with your bread and settling in your houses. And worse than them are those who said: let strangers come to us, let them come in many, and let them live according to their customs among us, and let us not dare to speak against them and do against them, but they can do against us. Such people are like gadfly larvae under your skin, like meat worms in your body: they bring poison and death. And no one burned them off with a red-hot iron, did not destroy the echidna, did not cut off the head of the snake, did not trample the nest of reptiles. 

Strangers desecrate your maidens, kill your youths, mock the old and defame the memory of your ancestors. And they demand an equal share for themselves. And they demand a larger share from all your wealth and your power, and brazenly take away the glory of your ancestors. And they stand strong for each other, and if you hit one, a multitude immediately gathers and demands punishment for the hitter and the destruction of his house, but you are silent and endure when they beat you and speak against you, and appropriate your house. 

And you forbade saying that there exists strong and weak, smart and stupid, diligent and negligent, honest and deceitful, good and evil, virtuous and vicious, thrifty and debased, but they declared everyone the same and told everyone to give everything equally. And they abused the Lord, who created us all different, but endowed everyone with the ability to distinguish between Good and Evil and strive for righteousness, which is the freedom of the human soul bestowed by Him. 

And in the equality of the unequal, Falsehood and Evil began to rule, and parasites began to devour the country, and those who do not sow and do not reap, but take away the bread of the worker; those who corrupt his children, defame his parents and deplete his cornfield, triumph.

When men have lost their courage and strength, women have lost their purity and fidelity; when a stranger sneers at the owner and a parasite stands over the breadwinner; when they abandoned their Faith, but demand to respect the faith of strangers; when they rejected Virtue and elevated Vice to the law and teach it; when the Falsehood was declared equal in everything to Truth; when malefactors deceive the people at a meeting, and the Law protects malefactors against the righteous; when a freed slave benefited by a do-gooder puts the do-gooder on his knees and makes him kiss his shoes; when they do not give birth to children, and rob laborers, and encourage freeloaders, and praise the vicious, and believe the deceitful, and fill their land with strangers, and forbid killing murderers and executing robbers, and persecute the truth, and see for themselves how their country and their people perish , and they do not stand up for their country, their people, their homes, the graves of their ancestors and the shrines of faith –

I ask you: 

Can such a country and such a people survive? 

And you know the answer, you saw the fiery words on the wall of the palace in the midst of a luxurious feast, you heard a voice from Heaven:



Numbered, numbered, weighed, divided!

      Woe to you,
Babylon, a city rich and glorious, exalted above all other cities.

A house divided within itself will not stand.

Sodom and Gomorrah cannot flourish forever and with impunity in a world created by the Lord according to His plan and running according to His laws – for their dwellers had hardened in abomination, rejected in their hearts and in their minds the laws of the Lord, despised His plan, and desecrated His world.

It is not given to mortals to predict what the fiery rain of the Lord will be like when the hour comes. It is not destined for sinners to know when the abysses of heaven will open up and swallow up all the waters of the earth.

But truly I say to you: get ready, brothers, for the hour is near! Strengthen your spirit, may your courage not leave you. Take swords, and let your hands be strong! You are the salt of your land, the support of your people, the hope of your wives and children, the protection of the weak in their prayer.

Truly I say to you: cast aside doubts and go into battle firmly! Everything has its place under the sun and everything has its time under the moon: a time for peace and a time for war, a time for patience and a time for anger, a time for thinking and a time for acting, a time for kindness and a time for cruelty, a time for forgiveness and a time for killing, a time for giving and a time for taking away, a time for inviting and a time for sending away, a time to live and a time to die.

Death does not bypass anyone, and the Lord will accept everyone in his hour, but a death for a just cause, for one's family and one's people, one's land and freedom is a happy destiny.

From the archives of the Psychiatric Hospital. Stuart and Linda Resnick, Los Angeles, California. Appendix to the case history No. 56118/C. During the defeat of the Ronald Reagan Medical Center by the Nation of Islam protesters. The psychiatric hospital, located on its 4th floor, was subjected to violent damage, the computer database was partially destroyed. The personal data and anamnesis of the patient who was treated here with a diagnosis of "palilalia" and "Cassandra's syndrome" were lost.