Michael Weller
"An Island for Whites". Book VII, Chapter 50.


A scrap of a diary


«A month before moving from New York to the North East, to the White District, we walked with him along the ocean, it was cool, we moved from the boardwalk to the sand and walked along the yellow licked surface at the edge of the transparent waves. He was already grey-haired, bald, with a long white beard, tall and thin: either an old saxophonist or a retired professor, but in any case an eccentric.

 "That was during the Trump presidency," he said. "The winter of either the eighteenth, or the nineteenth year.

And our mayor was a socialist, in general, even a communist fascist, de Bill Glesios ... or Clausio. And then in New York they passed two laws that broke the back of a camel, or an elephant, or a donkey.

First, they passed a law that during the census you can not ask for citizenship. This meant that the border between citizenship and non-citizenship was erased and destroyed. Anyone who has entered the United States in any illegal way, even criminal, whatever, is counted in the population of the state of New York in the same way as a citizen. One gets a driver's license and lives.

From that it followed that he could vote in the elections. Of course, they all voted for those who promised them impunity, freedom, money and all rights plus free benefits. They voted for Democrats – and that is what was required.

Well, then everything happened is as always: the tax burden on workers increased in order to support illegal immigrants and idlers. And business popped up from New York, and hard workers began to move out. Fewer workers – higher taxes on them to support others. Chain Reaction: finally the Big Apple consisted only of worms.

And the second law, at the same time, was about the prohibition of conversion therapy for homosexuals. That is: in schools, they mandatory taught children that they should not be afraid of their same-sex orientation, this is normal, listen to your inner voice, look for your true identity. Gays and lesbians of all stripes were figures of pride and fashion. Homosexuality was presented in a fashionable, prestigious, stylish, modern way. And if a heterosexual, a teenager, and even an adult, thought about changing his orientation, they helped him morally and intellectually, they supported him and explained all that stuff. However, if a homosexually oriented person thought about changing their orientation to a heterosexual one, it was forbidden by law to help him. The gates where one-way only: gays were welcome, straights – prohibited by law.

A breeze from the Atlantic blew his white dwarf beard, long and thin, ruffling the hairs at the end. He turned his back to the wind, took a tin box from the pocket of his red jacket, took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth, and covered the flame of the lighter with his palms.

"Marlboro," he said. "Long live communist Cuba. Thank you for poisoning us. And thanks to their smugglers.

"They'll put you in jail," I said, looking around.

"You can’t hang everyone," he said, and blew out the smoke. "Who will put me in? Who do you think I buy cigarettes from? At the policeman. He trades them. You can't live on a salary.

I was young then, and I was damn smart and educated. I knew everything and understood everything. When I got older, I have never been so smart and educated. And then I went to lectures and seminars at Columbia University for two months, I was interested in sociology, and also in social psychology and history; and two months later I realized that here freaks teach idiots. All their "humanities and social sciences" boiled down to the fact that everyone is equal, any inequality is the fruit of social injustice, so everything comes down to eradicating it and establishing justice. That is, take away from the strong, smart and hardworking and divide between the stupid, lazy and weak. Because they are not to blame that they were born or became like that. Therefore, they must be promoted everywhere so that more of them reach all high positions.

I was impudent and cheerful then, I was nineteen years old. And I asked the professor leading our seminar on social justice:

"Should we include women, minorities, and people with disabilities on the New York Knicks, and make sure whites and people of all sizes are proportionately represented?"

Then there was a big uproar: about ugly people at beauty contests, and morons for the Nobel Prize, and people who are deaf to play the violin ... well, in general, if you wish, you will learn all these elsewhere. In short, I was proud of myself, and interrogated old Graham Lowell with a sense of superiority. Whether these two miserable laws could affect and change the reality," I asked?

And he said:

 "Son," he said. "It's not about miserable laws. When a person has a slight rash – such garbage like an allergy, because he ate something wrong, or rubbed a synthetic fabric, or got nervous – and hear you are: nervous eczema. But when you had been shaking and feverish for several days before, and had a temperature, an experienced doctor will see: this is Variola vera, my dear, black pox.

So are the laws prohibiting the correction of homosexuality: they are meaningless if it is innate, genetically determined, but this is one percent. However, if this is the result of upbringing, seduction in adolescence and youth, if individuals were inspired and seduced, then such therapy is very effective. And it's well known that old homosexuals love to seduce young boys.

I answered him the obvious, not realizing that he knows everything better than me:

"An obvious course to increase the number of homosexuals and illegal immigrants is a focus on the growth of minorities who support the socialists feeling oppressed in our civilization. And the goal of the socialists was – and they did not hide it – to destroy our state and create a new society on its ruins: fair, free and happy.

"Today we can already see the results!.. With people who are mentally, physically, reproductively handicapped...

"Homosexuality is REPRODUCTIVELY DEFECTIVE! If the infertility of a heterosexual has physiological, sometimes even anatomical reasons, then the infertility of a homosexual has psycho-neurological reasons. Heterosexual infertility is treated. Homosexual infertility is not allowed to be treated.

"Can infertility due to the psycho-neurological organization of a person be considered the norm? Is infertility normal?"

"What if a person wants to have a child – but does not want to commit an act with a person of the opposite sex, but only his own? Is the psycho-neurological gap between the desired reproductive function vs. and the undesirable mechanism for its implementation a norm?

"From a social and demographic point of view, homosexuality is a genetic parasitism. They are produced by normal people – but they do not produce anyone. They are freaks."

An expression appearing on the professor's face was that with which a child crushes a worm by the sole.

"Do you want to impale the blue ones," I said.

"If you do it to one, you would save a thousand," he said, throwing out his cigarette butt and rubbing it into the sand with his heel. "Just kidding. I'm just talking about when perversion rules the show, when perversion abuses the norm, when innocence is in the clutches of vice, and strength is submissive to weakness ... Listen, can you read Shakespeare to me?"

"Right now?" – I was confused.

And the blue ocean distance turned gray, the waves ran higher on the shore, the wind was already shearing white lambs from them, a coolness was felt.

"There won't be another time," he said.

It sounded very romantic, such a heroic saga, such an elegy: an old man and a young man on the ocean shore, on the eve of a catastrophe. But disaster never looks like it does in the movies. The world is collapsing too slowly, and you live in it too vainly and always preoccupied with something: to eat, keep warm, drink, shelter from the wind, fuck in the evening, buy a new jacket this month, and countless other details.

In any world catastrophe, a person somehow settles in his personal cocoon, which is always there and without which it is impossible to exist: and in this cocoon his human concerns are primary and significant. We want to rejoice. We hope it passes. There is always a place for happiness in life!

And suddenly your personal cocoon finds itself in another world, where you will obey everything – or you will be killed ... »