A warm-up: can you fathom the following?


The Jews of Germany in the 1920s initiated a vast political movement JEWISH LIVES MATTER with its own stormtroopers who looted and destroyed businesses, stopped and harassed cars, and intimidated all non-Jewish folks. At that, the crazy Germans massively suffering from the German guilt of German privilege rushed to kneel before Jews, and asked them in a paroxysm of repentance "What else can we do for you?". Then the Germans developed their version of CRT about how all Germans are irredeemably evil, and that it's better to rid of "Germanity" whatsoever.  

The end.(*)

Indeed, the Nazis were very evil, but unlike in the farce above, they acted on behalf of the majority of the nation against a small minority. In the beginning, the majority wished merely to deport the minority somewhere, robbing it in the process. However, in the US, it is the white majority that behaves as though willing to become a minority in its own nation, to be finally deported: but where to?! This Manifesto is for them. 

(*) After I had composed this "warm-up", another grotesque, but real story in modern Germany  (summarized below) was published8)

The white Manifesto
or a truly Critical race theory


Written without any prior knowledge about the books

 "The White Nationalist Manifesto" by Greg Johnson and

"Erectus walks amongst us" by Richard D. Fuerle


(ïî ðóññêè çäåñü)


The whites of all countries: wake up!



We live in a time of unprecedented confusion and brain paralysis in the West taking the form of two never known before suicidal phenomena:

(I)  Cancellation of nationhood and own race in the West, and
(II) Enforcement of a dogma of the so-called "equity" of all races and ethnicities,

vastly propagandized as a so-called "Critical race theory" for combating racism by vilifying exclusively the white race. The anti-white commissars like these push it to schools, universities, to the corporate world. This Manifesto, therefore, fights back their "theory" straightening things up and bringing fore the critical truth about races.

I. Cancellation of own nationhood

In the past, European nations of the West had never admitted any immigration. After all, there were no French outside of France, Germans outside of Germany, Norwegians outside Norway, and on and on.  Most of those nations were lucky to finally settle as homogeneous nations, achieving therefore the most desirable mode of coexistence with others.

Then, all of a sudden, prompted by some new powerful forces, they opened themselves for the rest of the world: not merely for foreign ethnicities, but for foreign races, religions, and cultures antithetical to their own. And not merely do they open the borders, but they slavishly bend back and accommodate foreign invaders at the nation's expense.

Let's ask: does any nation need anybody needing assimilation rather than their own kind? What if incoming people are incapable of assimilation, or unwilling to assimilate, or worse: are willing to take advantage of the host forcefully assimilating the host towards the values of the nations they escaped from? And even if the foreigners assimilated successfully: is it OK to dissolve your own ethnicity in your home nation, the last refuge for your people? Due to brain paralysis, nobody even dares to pose such questions.

In the past, races and tribes waged wars against other races and tribes, and the culmination of it all was Nazism: an extreme homicidal racism that massively murdered and exploited others. Now, repeating the history as a farce, the Western governments arrived so to say … to  suicidal racism, i.e. to the policies directed against their own citizenry, speeding up the extinction of their own ethnicity and the entire white race in its home nations.

This policy is so deranged and grotesque, that I will reformulate it one more time. There existed in many nations kinds of discrimination or under-treatment against some ethnic minorities, i.e. racism in its original sense. Against minorities.

Never ever before was it even conceivable that scandalous minorities aggressively complain against the majority in the home nation of the majority! And that the frightened-to-death majority listened to those complaints voluntarily vilifying and under-treating themselves in a farce called a white-out of whites! It's a masochism and suicidal wish of the white race: of the white race whose enormous objective superiority is real – yet they apologize for it! Unthinkable!

(II) A dogma of "equity" of all races and ethnicities

Let dogma be enforced no matter that the world will perish.

(Rephrasing of Ferdinand I)

Since time immemorial people of the same tribes or ethnicities living compactly tended to love their own kind, and even exaggerate their own significance so that superiority of their own kind was presumed (deserved or not). However, in the era of Enlightenment (the exclusively Western phenomenon), objectivity was introduced in reasoning. Thus, an objective comparison of statistical traits of different people replaced the idea of automatic superiority of the own kind by default (at least among the nations of Enlightenment).

Nothing ever suggested as though all human races and ethnicities were statistically equal in every of many human traits (though there may be no limits to achievements for a specific person in every ethnicity). Therefore, a hypothesis of some philosophers as though all human races and ethnicities are equal in all traits, had always been just a utopia having no basis in reality. Its falsity was obvious for the rest of the people everywhere (especially for those still believing in the superiority of their own kind!) By own experience, everyone knew exactly who excels and is superior in what, however the Enlightenment also brought the concept of tact, encouraging gentle folks to be tactful never boasting about achievements of their own kind.

Comes the era of "progressivism" and "woke" – and the former tactfulness morphed into self-flagellation and the death wish of the white race. At this time the forces setting the goal to ruin the West and its Judeo-Christian foundation have already broken the ethnic homogeneity of the Western nations (painfully achieved in a long historic process). And now, confronting the objective differences in achievements among different peoples, the NWO commissars proclaimed the above-mentioned old utopia as their modern dogma of "equity" according to which... 

That's the new concept of "equity" under "woke" giving a new boost to the old euphemism of Affirmative action introduced and enacted decades ago. 

Charles Murray brilliantly put it: different groups have significant group differences. Nothing in the human experience and history ever supported the fantasy of "no differences"! What we see now in the West is crazy suicidal propaganda promoting – and enforcing! – the utopia of no group differences. A pendulum swang from the exploitation of group differences in the past to denying group differences now, and to vilifying the whites as achievers – up to rejection of merits and achievements at all! It's a sure way to the catastrophe of civilization – and to the extinction of the white race set as an explicit goal.

Thus, pursuing a fantasy of equal representation of every minority in whichever endeavor, the West readily abandoned the sacrosanct of the Western civilization the meritocracy! Nobody cares anymore that rewarding merits and professionalism had always exemplified the concept of justice, stimulated productivity, and benefited everybody! The commissars of modern "justice" are aggressively enforcing "equal representation" – the reality be damned. You the sheeple must love it and become progressively minded. Hire only equally represented "affirmative action" doctors, engineers, and musicians instead of the best ones, or else...


The idiocy achieved such a level that now they massively denounce the idea of color-blindness as ... racist(7), not even noticing that it's an oxymoron!

Realizing that with the colorblind and merit-based policies it's impossible to achieve …

·         "equity", and…

·         the equal representation of different races and groups in each and any endeavor (because "different groups objectively have significant group differences "),

they denounced the very idea of merit, objective tests and scores of achievements as racist! They denounced Mathematics and hard science as racists – because the "protected" minorities cannot succeed in those "racist" disciplines. Seriously!

In the beginning, only the Blacks were presumed to be that "protected" minority that cannot succeed – so that we must lower the plank and abandon the meritocracy whatsoever. Later the ideologues widened the list of minorities protected by the "Affirmatives action" refusing to hire and phasing out the most productive categories of people.

In order to enforce this grotesquely degenerate policy, in every university and in most government offices and businesses, they introduced the so-called DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) departments, which declared the categories of people for phasing them out.  Here is an example of such a list(9) in the John Hopkins University:

·         White

·         Males

·         Heterosexuals

·         Sisgenders

·         Christians

·         Middle-aged people

·         Able-bodied people (those who are not disabled)

·         Representatives of the middle class

·         Property owners

·         English speaking people


Are you happy, the White Christian majority of this nation?


For example, United Airlines promised "Over the next decade to train 5000 pilots who will be guaranteed a job with United ... and their plan is for half of them to be women and people of color", but wait a second... But wait: the Joint Chiefs Chair Gen. Brown wants white male officers to be a minority!

For a long-long time already nobody in America discriminates with prejudice against women, or against some scandalous minorities anymore! Just meet the physical requirements; just be capable to learn and succeed in a hard profession; just be capable to pass the tests and exams – and you are there! We know there were many women pilots or even astronauts who did it: women pilots even during WWII, when the word "discrimination" was not yet a "death sentence" in the corporate practice! The scandalous minorities do not get there only because they are unable to learn and to pass the exams. Just that!

Now imagine what will follow when the crazy corporate world will "help" to pass those tests and exams (like it massively happens in schools) to all those unable. United Airlines and the corporate world may be damned, but what kinds of pilots, doctors, and engineers America (you!) will have(2)...

Therefore, considering...

the resolution of these artificially created and amplified tensions between the races now may be achieved only via reassertion of the host/guest relations between us.  

Indeed, in an ideal world, the citizenry of a nation does not pay attention to who are the hosts and who are the guests; who is the title ethnicity (race or tribe), and who isn't, and whose origin and roots are deeper. Only the enormity and stupidity of the anti-white propaganda in our home nations necessitates us to recall our "title of ownership" declaring the following. 



12 step recovery program for the whites

who aren't going to rid(1) of their "whiteness"


1) All races and tribes have the right to preserve themselves: especially in their home nations. It's particularly important for the whites (comprising <15% of humanity).

2) In America and the Western nations, the whites are the hosts and others are guests. The whites are the hosts as the founders and the majority: still a majority so far, while our adversaries aim at turning us into a minority.

3) The whites must stop listening to any grievances of their guests.

4) For minorities having grievances against the whites, here is the motto "Suitcase, Airport, Ghana".

5) Though generally ALL LIVES MATTER, it wouldn't be wrong if in America white LIVES MATTERED more. Yet at the moment, alas, it's vice versa: BLACK LIVES MATTER more, bothering, harassing, and even threatening everybody. Therefore, this Manifesto calls on Americans to come to their senses and stop bending back before scandalous minorities. The white Americans must always keep in mind what happens to white minorities in Africa, if we wish to evade their fate.   

6) We are a nation based on meritocracy. Though all people are equal before the law, they are not equal in their achievements. We do not bother if minority races or tribes happened to be unevenly represented in various social strata, nor do we owe anybody equal representation in whichever endeavor.

7) We, therefore, do not pay attention to any accusations of the so-called white guilt over white privilege: especially from guests in our own home. Unhappy? – See item (4).

8) In accordance with item (1), we are merely nationalists, acknowledging the rights of all races (including the white) to exist. We are not eager to compare or judge others. Nevertheless, the vicious anti-white propaganda accuses the white nationalists of sin of judging others and elevating ourselves into supremacy. At every opportunity, brazenly arrogant ideologues miscall the white nationalists as white supremacists meaning it as an insult. They blame the whites as though for their "racist" claim for supremacy – which the whites do not claim, but which is real! At that…

9) The whites, in complete mind paralysis, rush to apologize for what in fact is their greatest achievement: the absolute superiority of the white Western Greco-Roman Judeo-Christian civilization in all human endeavors (though not counting the recent decades of spiritual decay).

The culture of the world, created mainly by the white men, is being destroyed by those who do not understand it, are not up to it, and therefore feel the inferiority complex(3) – while the NWO commissars exploit them and pit them against the white humanity.


…Whereas other civilizations have been brought down by attacks of barbarians from without, ours had the unique distinction of training its own destroyers at its own educational institutions, and then providing them with facilities for propagating their destructive ideology far and wide. – Malcolm Muggeridge, "Vintage Muggeridge: Religion and Society" (1985)

    And one more quote:

It is great to be white. My race is responsible for all of the inventions, art, science, and literature. If whites were not on the planet, the world would be savage. GOD BLESS WHITE PEOPLE. The rest of the world should be kissing our butts. Our mistake was bringing the world into our countries. These savages are desecrating white people. I am fed up and I would love to see all nonwhite races out of our Western civilized countries. No more Mr. nice guy. I am tired of inferior people and self-hating white fascist liberals joining in on the white bashing. If it was true and warranted, I would keep quiet. The problem is that these inferior losers hate us because we are superior in all the ways that matter. There, I said it.  –  Peter

10) Though this Manifesto is surely pro whites, it is not against anybody. It is pro whites because if we are not for ourselves, who will be? Yet we are not against any minorities living among us providing that...

·         The minorities appreciate this opportunity. Staying among us is their voluntary choice. They are supposed to adjust to our culture – because they value our hospitality, civil, and economic standards higher than those in the countries of their origin; and...

·         They do not aspire to become the majority among us.(4) It's we who control the immigration stream.


11) The Western Greco-Roman Judeo-Christian civilization has created almost everything: from the most "racist" Mathematics since Euclid, to the music by Mozart, to the Moon landing and Saturn photographing. And this includes also the concepts of modesty and tact! Usually, the Westerners are tactful to not boast about their superiority, nor are they obsessed with it (like some others). Westerners believe in equal opportunities to excel in honest competition, and to be rewarded according to one's merits. On the contrary, our adversaries demand equal rewards neglecting the merits and hating the honest competition. And most of all, they hate the absolute winner of this competition: the white race and Western Civilization!  

The strongest insult and verdict of the adversaries of the white race is an accusation of white supremacy – the worst kind of racism in their minds making any further deliberations off limit, but they are not!

In their zeal to intimidate opponents with the word "supremacy", our adversaries drew attention to something which is true and important: the truth about the absolute superiority of the Western civilization created by the white race which (statistically) is really superior! Those idiots blame the white race for being "A" students (i.e. whities in you know whose "parlance"!) promoting "F" students instead. The idiots want to abandon that "racist" science and art which the whites deliberately invented in a "racist" way to be non-affordable for "others": all that Math, Physics, and so on.

That's the truth of our strange time. Indeed, the real white superiority is not to boast about, but to remember and live up to it doing our best to keep being the best:

Get up until it's not too late.
Take in your hands your own fate.
Recalling Rudyard Kipling's pattern,
Take up your heavy White man's burden
To teach the trouble makers harder

This truth is non-negotiable, nor is it an object for bargaining: like it or not. 

Don't fear when woke crowd calls you "racist"! They abuse the language! No truth in itself is evil or racist. Racism is the under-treatment of own citizens based on prejudice about their race or ethnicity: just that. In this sense racism is bad and we denounced it. However, now it's the white majority in their own nations that is under-treated and vilified!


12) We were polite and tactful so long that our adversaries took full advantage of us. Now forget about tact and speak out the hard truth. We are depressed against the wall in our home nations, yet not getting fierce as hell at all! They openly call for the universal dhimmitude of the whites(5) – but we just keep asking our adversaries "What more can we do for you?"

The whites of all countries: wake up! Your governments wish to turn you into a diaspora in your own countries so that you would play the role of "Jews" in the new world – yet not having your refuge (akin to Israel).


(1) Anton Chekhov admonished "To squeeze out slavery of oneself" (âûäàâèòü èç ñåáÿ ðàáà).
(2)"Biden picks diversity maven to oversee largest funder of the physical sciences in the US" by Thomas Lifson
   "Diversity Over Discovery", by Heather Mac Donald

    Airline safety is off to a bad start in 2024 thanks to Biden admin policies
(3) A rephrased quote from D.G.
(4) As paradoxically as it seems, it is also in the interests of the minorities that the whites remain the majority: otherwise, the minorities would end up with the same standards from which they escaped. To preserve our nation white is also in the interests of non-whites – however, first of all, it's our interest, because (let's repeat it) if we are not for ourselves, who will be?
(5) Ilana Mercer, A white-out of whites
(6) 2000 UN Replacement Migration
    2018 UN Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration
7) "Colorblind racism"  - https://wnd.com/2021/09/colorblindness-moral-ideal/

American Statesmen on Slavery and the Negro, Nathaniel Weyl and William Marina, Arlington House, 1971, 448 pp.

"White people should commit suicide as an ethical act" (farcical - yet real!) 


8) This story (in Russian) is simply amazing, illustrating how the state can invert the brains of the people in just 90 years!

 90 years ago, a similar story probably happened many times in what was then Germany, when some zealous Nazi killed a Jew in broad daylight (which was still illegal), and the father of the murdered would have sought justice from the then state. Moreover, it should be noted that for all the barbarism and injustice of the Nazi state towards non-Aryan citizens, the state sabotaged the laws in favor of the overwhelming majority, i.e. in favor of the German people living in their own country.

Well, the current German state sabotages laws in favor of Islamic piranhas brought to Germany: in favor of the hostile minority (as yet), to which all the echelons of the authorities and thousands of their German apparatchiks willingly submit!

Truly to Hegel: history first occurs as a tragedy, and repeats itself as a farce ...


9)  DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion)

   Smithsonian institute explains that rationality and hard work are racist

   DEI ideology endangers patients



Alexander Gofen
April, 2021


of white idiots

António Guterres (the UN secretary general): White supremacy is a transnational threat.

2008/2016 UN Replacement (!) Migration (!) plan defying language (never mind diplomacy). It explicitly sets the goal of replacement (sic!) of the host people in every Western nation with foreigners from around the world. The plan issued in the highest diplomatic office operates with the term "Migration" as if all people of the world were entitled to freely migrate (like birds), no matter any national borders and sovereignty! (More)


Justin Trudeau : The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them.

Ms. Melinda Gates (the wife of Bill Gates):  White men must be stopped: The very future of mankind depends on it.

Joe Biden: Those of us of European stock will be the minority in less than two years, and, that's a good thing.

Rosanna Arquette (Hollywood): I'm sorry I was born white and privileged. It disgusts me. And I feel so much shame.

Elie Mystal (The Nation) envisions his life as "whiteness-free".


Damon Young (a senior editor of "The Root" and an occasional New York Times contributor): Whiteness is a public health crisis. It shortens life expectancies ..."

Ben Philippe (the Barnard College English instructor) recently wrote a novel envisioning the mass gassing and blowing up of white people.

Official definition of whiteness (the Smithsonian Museum of African-American Culture):
Whiteness covers everything from a serious work ethic to self-reliance, rational thinking, delayed gratification, achieving goals, being on time, and, finally, "competition".  Thank you, Smithsonian! All the above is what distinguishes the homo sapiens from a savage! What distinguishes a moral and conscience human being from a moocher! 

Dr. Kamau Kambon:
We have to exterminate white people off the face of the planet.

Noel Ignatiev:
Abolish the white race. (Harvard Magazine, 2002)

Donald Moss:
Whiteness is a condition one first acquires and then one has – a malignant, parasitic-like condition to which "white" people have a particular susceptibility. (Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 2021)

General Brown, joint chiefs Chair, wants white male officers to be a minority.

Dr. Brittney Cooper, Rutgers university: White people are committed to being villains. We gotta take these M…F…ers out.

Prof. George Ciccariello-Maher, Drexel university. All I Want for Christmas is White Genocide.

Student event in the Berea College: White citizenship as terrorism.

Bill Gates tries to cleanse math of 'white supremacy'

and of a black wise man:


There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs — partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.

I am afraid that there is a certain class of race-problem solvers who don't want the patient to get well, because as long as the disease holds out they have not only an easy means of making a living, but also an easy medium through which to make themselves prominent before the public.

said in ... 1911

a prominent black philosopher and leader
Booker T. Washington (1856-1915)


Several prophetic poems on the topic




From: TruthHurts2020  (concerning 12 ways to stop being so white)


Let's keep it simple. Here are 12 real ways to stop being so white and start acting more like the superior minorities you need to stop oppressin' and start emulatin'.


  1. Stop thinking. Logic be racist. Emotion is all.
  2. Stop being calm. Rage against everything, even perceived slights that didn't really happen.
  3. Stop learnin'. Edjumacation is for racists. If you try to get smart, you just bein' white.
  4. Like those shoes your buddy is wearin'? Then shoot him and take 'em. Serves him right for thinkin' he be all that wit dem new shoes.
  5. Stop having quiet conversations in public. Be loud. Everybody wants to hear your thoughts, know what I'm sayin'? If they don't want to hear you scream something at the guy right next to you, they can stop listening.
  6. Workin' for fools, yo. Jump on welfare cuz that money is owed to you. Oh wait, since you actually white, you allowed to still work, maybe even two jobs, to keep welfare money goin' to the state so we can have it. Skip this step and get to work.
  7. Always be votin' Democrat. Never no mind wonderin' what the issues actually be. Democrats keep payin' us, so they get the vote.
  8. Stop plannin' for no future. Saving money? Stocks and bonds? Sucka, you gotta spend that money now, boy!
  9. Knock up some chick? Run. Don't be wastin' no time wit no kid you didn't want. She shoulda been takin' a pill, yo. Move on, playa.
  10. Man, these shoes is all worn out now. Jamal has some nice ones....you know what to do.
  11. Why buy it when you can steal it? That's what insurance is for. Buyin' is for suckas.
  12. Got a problem with someone? Can't shoot them? Call 'im racist. Always remember everybody be racist if they bother you. White person got a job? Racist. Got a nice car you don't have? Racist. Doesn't like you pointing a gun at his face? Racist. Wants you to stop shouting at him about privilege? Racist. Walking around mindin' his own business? Racist. Got a hot shorty? Racist. Votes for Trump? Racist. Votes for Biden? Racist. You get the idea.

Now, follow those steps and you'll take a giant leap forward in stopping yourself from being all nasty white and sheet.




How in particular Black Lives Matter

Wake-Up. Systemic Anti-Whiteness Is Deadly. Witness South Africa.



12 step recovery program for whiteness at university